16 oktober 2018
Fåglarna i färg
https://sverigesradio.se/sida/artikel.aspx?programid=109&artikel=7050238 Faktaböckernas växter blir en vagina när umekonstnären Gerd Aurell tecknar. Konstguiden Ann-Catrine…
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28 september 2018
Between the Airstrip and the Surrounding Forest, exhibition Vita kuben, Umeå, 8 Sept – 6 Oct
Still a week left to see my show! Hormoslyr was a herbicide that was sprayed over the Swedish forests during the 1960’s and 70’s to kill deciduous trees. Today, 40 years later,…
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3 juni 2018
SHIFT, performance festival, Norrlandsoperan + Bildmuseet
Coming up: 7-9 September, 2018 SHIFT, performance festival, Norrlandsoperan + Bildmuseet In the forest by Lake Eggelats in Norrbotten in northern Sweden there is an old airstrip…
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2 juni 2018
Opening at Konsthallen Väven, Umeå, 1st September, 2018
“I go; but remember, I shall be with you on your wedding-night”, Konsthallen Väven, Umeå The nine members of the artist group VERKLIGHETEN continue their tour on the theme…
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3 januari 2018
Verkligheten’s FRANKENSTEIN-tour 2018!
Verkligheten’s FRANKENSTEIN-tour 2018! In the rainy summer of 1816, a group of friends meet by the shores of Geneva Lake to scare each other with ghost stories. One of the women…
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